Independent Report – Public attention has once again turned to the luxurious lifestyle of police officials’ families, this time involving the South Kalimantan Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Rosyanto Yudha Hermawan. Interest in this matter grew after his son, Ghazyendha Aditya Pratama, shared a post showcasing an extravagant birthday celebration for his father, which quickly went viral on social media.
Beyond that, Ghazyendha sparked further discussion by allegedly flaunting his wealth online. Screenshots circulating on social media showed him boarding a private jet and conducting transactions worth billions of rupiah. These images raised various reactions from the public, with many questioning the source of such wealth.
In response, Abdullah, a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) from the National Awakening Party (PKB), urged the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, to reprimand the South Kalimantan Police Chief. He stated that a police official’s child should not display excessive wealth, as it sets a poor example. He emphasized that public officials and their families should adopt a modest lifestyle and refrain from showcasing their riches to the public.
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Abdullah stressed that police officials must ensure their families act appropriately, especially in public spaces. Displaying a luxurious lifestyle can create social envy and tarnish the reputation of law enforcement institutions. He reminded the public that government officials serve the people and receive their salaries from taxpayers, so they must demonstrate responsible behavior in all aspects of life.
Furthermore, Abdullah pointed out that Indonesia is currently implementing budget efficiency measures. Under such circumstances, police officials and their families should lead by example by practicing modesty. He warned that excessive displays of wealth could damage public trust in law enforcement agencies.
The public outrage surrounding this incident comes as no surprise. When a police official’s child flaunts wealth, people naturally question its legitimacy and whether it aligns with official income sources. As a result, criticism does not only target the individual but also extends to the official responsible for their family’s conduct.
In this context, Abdullah highlighted that officials must take this issue seriously. Such behavior erodes trust in the police institution as a whole. He urged law enforcement officials to learn from this case and exercise greater caution in protecting their institution’s image.
More than just a warning, Abdullah called for concrete measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. He suggested that police officials educate their families on proper online behavior and social media ethics. By doing so, they can understand the impact of their posts and avoid triggering public backlash.
As public officials, maintaining the integrity of their institution should be a top priority. Abdullah hopes the National Police Chief will take firm action and instruct officers nationwide to be more mindful of their public image. By implementing these steps, law enforcement institutions can rebuild public trust. And also prevent negative perceptions caused by the careless actions of individuals.
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